Electrified Options
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SPX 2BB5191
- - 4-Wire or 8-wire - Electrified hinge
- - 4-Wire (ETH4W Suffix)
- - 8-Wire (ETH8W Suffix)
- - Available in 5 Knuckle, listed under UL 634 for use on swinging type fire doors.
- - The electrified hinge provides an easy means to monitor the opening as well as transferring power from the frame into the door.
- - Simplex electric hinge has been tested through UL to ensure durability and in order that product can be used on fire rated or labeled openings.
- - Electrical hinge is for low voltage power transfer only (48 volts or under). Higher voltages are not allowed because of the potential dangers.
- - Also a consideration is the Amperage rating of the power transfer hinges. Simplex hinge include amperage ratings of 3.5 AMPS/continuous duty and 16.0 AMPS/intermittent duty (pulse).
- - It is recommended that the CENTER HINGE LOCATION be used with electrical hinge.
- - Simplex recommends the use of a mortar box or jamb box in order to protect the wire terminations on the inside of the frame.
- - If this box is not used, the grout that may be poured into the frame will destroy the wiring and usually void the warranty on the product.
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